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Examples of steroid nasal sprays available by prescription include beclomethasone beconase, qnasl , ciclesonide zetonna , fluticasone furoate veramyst , fluticasone proprionate flonase , and mometasone nasonex .

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Information about Nasonex.

Although NASONEX Nasal Spray will control the nasal symptoms in most patientsthe concomitant use of appropriate additional therapy may provide additional relief of other symptomsparticularly ocular symptoms.

Forgetting to prime the spray device before first use or if you haven’t used it for more than 2 weeks Skipping doses Holding your head in the wrong positionshould be tilted forwardnot backPushing the nozzle too hard or far into your nose Blowing your nose hard after sprayingthe medicine is lostSniffing hard after sprayingthe medicine ends up in your throat instead of your noseUsing the medicine before saline sprays or irrigationsas they should be used firstsaline can be used again after waiting at least an hour)

When used for the prevention of allergic rhinitistreatment should begin 2 to 4 weeks prior to pollen season.

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yes nasal steroid sprays like nasonex mometasone can commonly cause pharyngitis or sore throat as a side effect to the medication.

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