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Although it is not likely that a postmenopausal woman would be pregnantletrozole can harm an unborn babyDo not use if you are pregnant or may become pregnantUse effective birth control if you are not past menopauseKeep using birth control for at least 3 weeks after your last dose of letrozoleTell your doctor if you think you may be pregnant.

Letrozole is a drug used as hormone therapy for the treatment of breast cancerand included in a group of drugs called aromatase inhibitors due to its mechanism of actionEstrogen and progesterone are female sex hormones that promote cancer growthWhile in menstruating womenthese hormones are produced in the ovariesin menopausal womenit is produced in the fat tissue through a process known as aromataseThereforeletrozole interferes with this process in order to decrease the levels of estrogen in the body andconsequentlystop or slow down cancer growthor decrease the probability of cancer recurrence after surgeryLetrozole is only effective in hormone sensitive or hormone receptor positive breast cancer and its use is limited to women after menopause.

Another group of fertility drugs which are administered as injections are called gonadotropinsGonal FFollistimThe gonadotropins are very efficient at inducing ovulation and have higher pregnancy rates than clomiphene citrateHowevergonadotropins are much more expensive than clomiphene citrate and the injectable route is uncomfortable for patients to administer and inconvenientThe risk for multiple pregnancies is also much higher with gonadotropins.

In the United Statesthe labeling of letrozole already warned that it had been associated with birth defectsNovartis has never sought FDA approval to market letrozole as a fertility medication and was clearly concerned about their liability if given in pregnancy.

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