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This list is not complete and other drugs may interact with mirtazapineTell your doctor about all medications you useThis includes prescriptionover-the-countervitaminand herbal productsDo not start a new medication without telling your doctor.

Do not use mirtazapine if you have taken an MAO inhibitor such as furazolidoneFuroxoneisocarboxazidMarplanphenelzineNardilrasagilineAzilectselegilineEldeprylEmsamor tranylcypromineParnatein the last 14 daysSeriouslife threatening side effects can occur if you use mirtazapine before the MAO inhibitor has cleared from your body.

REMERONmirtazapineTablets are contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to mirtazapine or to any of the excipients.

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