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The company also marketed the drug to elderly patients, even though taking Abilify can be fatal for elderly patients with dementia. Other allegations claimed that Bristol-Myers Squibb marketed the drug to children, when the FDA had not approved it for treating children.

If you were injured by after taking Abilify or another defective drug, you may have a legal claim for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. If a loved one died as the result of taking defective medication, you should talk to experienced drug defect attorneys about your claim. You should not have to suffer due to the drug company’s negligence.

The company also marketed the drug to elderly patients, even though taking Abilify can be fatal for elderly patients with dementia. Other allegations claimed that Bristol-Myers Squibb marketed the drug to children, when the FDA had not approved it for treating children.

There are many ways that drugs and pharmaceuticals may be defective. This could include a design defect where the drug is not safe for the intended use or the drug manufacturer failed to properly warn the patient about dangers involved with taking the drug.

Abilify can cause a number of side effects, some of which can be serious. This includes weight gain, strokes, involuntary body movements, and in extreme cases, death.

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