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If you think that you or anyone else may have swallowed xalatan, immediately telephone your doctor or the australian poisons information centre telephone 131.

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Latanoprost is a colorless to slightly yellow oil that is very soluble in acetonitrile and freely soluble in acetoneethanolethyl acetateisopropanolmethanoland octanolIt is practically insoluble in water.

A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rareHoweverget medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reactionincludingrashsevere itching/swellingespecially of the face/tongue/throatdizzinesstrouble breathing.

Do not use this medicine while wearing contact lensesXalatan may contain a preservative that can discolor soft contact lensesWait at least 15 minutes after using this medicine before putting in your contact lenses.

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