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For treatment of pinworm infectionsthe medication is usually given as a single doseIf necessarya second treatment may be given in a few weeksFor other types of common worm infectionse.groundwormhookwormtake mebendazole by mouth for 3 daysusually twice a day in the morning and in the eveningor as directed by your doctorIf necessarya second treatment may be given in a few weeksFor other types of infectionsfollow your doctor’s directionsYour doctor may order you to take this medication more often than twice a day and for longer than 3 days.

Your doctor will advise the appropraite dose depending on the type of worm infection.

It is highly recommended that a second dose is taken after 2 weeksif reinfection is suspected.

Take mebendazole exactly as directed by your doctorIf you do not understand these directionsask your pharmacistnurseor doctor to explain them to you.

Mebendazole is used to treat intestinal worm infections such as pinwormroundwormand hookworm.

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