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Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.

Skelaxinmetaxaloneand baclofen are skeletal muscle relaxantsA main difference is that Skelaxin is used mostly for short-term painful muscle and skeletal conditionswhile baclofen may be used long-term for spasms of skeletal musclesmuscle rigiditymuscle clonusand pain caused by disorders like multiple sclerosisBrand names for baclofen include Gablofen and LioresalSide effects of Skelaxin and baclofen that are similar include dizzinessdrowsinessheadachenauseaand vomitingSide effects of Skelaxin that are different from baclofen include nervousnessirritabilityupset stomachrashanemialow white blood cell countyellowing skin and eyesjaundiceand allergic reactions Side effects of baclofen that are different from Skelaxin include weaknessseizureslow blood pressureconstipationconfusionrespiratory depressioninability to sleepinsomniaand increased urinary frequency or urinary retentionSuddenly stopping oral baclofen may cause withdrawal reactions such as seizures and hallucinationsSuddenly stopping intrathecal baclofen may result in high feverrebound spasticitymuscle rigidityand rhabdomyolysismuscle breakdownthat can progress to failure of several organsincluding the kidneyand even death.

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