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Concurrent peptic ulcer, or history of ulcer disease allergy to indometacin, aspirin, or other nsaids patients with nasal polyps reacting with an angioedema to other nsaids children under 2 years of age with the exception of neonates with patent ductus arteriosus severe pre-existing renal and liver damage caution pre-existing bone marrow damage frequent blood cell counts are indicated caution bleeding tendencies of unknown origin indometacin inhibits platelet aggregation caution parkinson s disease, epilepsy, psychotic disorders indometacin may worsen these conditions 13 concurrent with potassium sparing diuretics patients who have a patent ductus arteriosus dependent heart defect such as transposition of the great vessels significant hypertension high blood pressure concomitant administration of lithium salts such as lithium carbonate .

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in these cases, taking aspirin increases the risk of reye s syndrome, a rare but serious illness.

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