Tetracyclines may cause permanent discoloration of teeth and slow down the growth of bones.
Information about Tetracycline.
Tetracyclines must not be taken by pregnant or breast-feeding womenor by children under 12 yearsbecause they discolour growing teeth and may cause enamel hypoplasiamalformed permanent teethStaining of permanent teeth is usually temporary but can persist for long periodsThey can also affect bones.
By Hans PSchlechtMDMScAssistant Professor of MedicineDepartment of MedicineDivision of Infectious DiseasesHIV MedicineDrexel University College of Medicine Christopher BrunoMDAssistant Professor of MedicineDivision of infectious DiseasesHIV MedicineDrexel University College of Medicine.
Inflammatory disorders take several weeks or months to respond to tetracyclines such as doxycyclineThey are often prescribed for months or years for inflammatory skin disordersThey are not curative for these conditions.
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52 for example, chloramphenicol and tetracyclines are antagonists to penicillins and aminoglycosides.