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While the safety of paxil has been evaluated in patients with social anxiety disorder at doses up to 60 mg day, available information does not suggest any additional benefit for doses above 20 mg day see clinical pharmacology clinical trials .

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This medication is not recommended for use during pregnancyIt may harm an unborn babyand babies born to mothers who have used it during the last 3 months of pregnancy may sometimes develop withdrawal symptoms such as feeding/breathing difficultiesseizuresmuscle stiffnessor constant cryingHoweversince untreated mental/mood problemssuch as depressionpanic attackobsessive-compulsive disorderand anxietycan harm a pregnant woman and her unborn babydo not stop taking this medication unless directed by your doctorInsteadask your doctor if a different medication would be right for youIf you are planning pregnancybecome pregnantor think you may be pregnanttell your doctor right away.

Do not use an MAO inhibitor within 14 days before or 14 days after you take paroxetineA dangerous drug interaction could occurMAO inhibitors include isocarboxazidlinezolidphenelzinerasagilineselegilineand tranylcypromineAfter you stop taking Paxil you must wait at least 14 days before you start taking an MAO inhibitor.

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