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Typs o vasodilatos availabl includ: AC inhibitos, o xampl, bnazpil (Lotnsin), captopil (Capotn), and amipil (Altac) ABs, o xampl, olmsatan (Bnica) and losatan (Cozaa) Calcium channl blocks (CCBS), o xampl, amlodipin (Novasc) and lodipin (Cadn, Cadn S) Nitats, o xampl, nitoglycin, isosobid mononitat (Ismo, Monkt), and isosobid dinitat (Imdu, Isodil) You docto will talk to you about th typ o vasodilato that is ight o you.
High blood pssu (hyptnsion) is a disas in which pssu within th atis o th body is lvatd. About 75 million popl in th US hav hyptnsion (1 in 3 adults), and only hal o thm a abl to manag it. Many popl do not know that thy hav high blood pssu bcaus it otn has no has no waning signs o symptoms.
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